Brian Kotlyar

Reverse ETL, BI, AI, and more

With Brian KotlyarVP of Marketing and Growth @ Hightouch

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Allan Wille, CEO at Klipfolio, sat down with Brian Kotlyar, VP of Marketing & Growth at Hightouch, a reverse ETL solution that makes data manipulation, extraction, and moving smooth, easy, and fun for data engineers. Their conversation explored the potential of reverse ETL, the pressing challenges of modern business intelligence (BI), and the exciting prospects that are emerging as AI meets data analytics.

Reverse ETL actually solves a problem that has plagued me for literally the entirety of my career. My first internship working at Staples as a teenager, we were working on customer 360 initiatives and single source of truth type stuff in traditional on prem data warehouses and struggling with customer identity and how to activate it all the way to almost 25 years later working at New Relic. What reverse ETL really is about is, as analytics teams and operations teams, we put all this effort into gathering data and processing data to understand our business, understand our customers. But we consistently seem to run into this brick wall of actually using the stuff.