Marrisa Homere

What is Marketing Contributed ARR?

With Marissa HomèreVP Marketing @ Irwin

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In today’s episode, Allan and Lauren talk to Marissa Homère, VP Marketing at Irwin. Marissa shares her expertise on Marketing Contributed Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).

How do you attribute marketing influenced or directly contributed ARR? How do you track a non-linear customer journey and attribute ARR accordingly? How do you report on marketing contributed ARR? How does lead grading come into practice? Is there a paid advertising channel that outperforms others when it comes to ARR?

This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

“My best advice is to focus on [attribution and the revenue journey] because it makes you a partner in the business. It allows you to have meaningful conversations about the growth of the business and engage in being a key and instrumental part of the scale that comes with focusing on these numbers. Even if it’s a longer game so you can have a seat at the table when it comes to the future of the business that you’re working with.”

If you love learning about metrics, you’ll love MetricHQ, Klipfolio’s online resource for all-things metrics and KPIs.

Metrics mentioned in this episode: