Steffen Hedebrandt

What is MQL Attribution?

With Steffen HedebrandtCo-Founder and CMO @ Dreamdata

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In today’s episode, Allan and Lauren talk to Steffen Hedebrandt, co-founder and CMO of Dreamdata, a B2B revenue attribution platform. They dive into the world of marketing qualified leads and attribution

What are the nuances of MQL attribution? Is MQL attribution a predictable metric? How do you track MQL attribution? What’s the difference between account based attribution and lead attribution? Is there a benchmark? (Check out Dreamdata’s benchmark report for more!) What other metrics provide context for MQL attribution?

Learn more about B2B attribution in this article.

For a different perspective on MQLs, check out Jon Taylor’s episode: What is an MQL?

If you love learning about metrics, you’ll love MetricHQ, Klipfolio’s online resource for all-things metrics and KPIs.

Metrics mentioned in this episode: