Zack Wenthe

What is Return on Ad Spend?

With Zack WentheSr Product Marketing Manager @ Treasure Data

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Today’s guest is Zack Wenthe, Sr Product Marketing Manager at Treasure Data. Zack’s worn many hats over the years, all tied together through the power of storytelling to drive revenue. This week's metric: Return on Ad Spend.

If I know that I want to get a lead and I'm willing to spend a hundred dollars to get it. That a hundred dollars translates to a predictive lifetime value of something, right? Using return on ad spend against that campaign is simply just a matter of saying, okay, how much did I spend and how much my am I thinking I'm going to get? Right? So early on, it just helps you.

Gut check your lead generation campaigns. Am I spending and hoping that in, six months, eight months, whatever, that it's going to turn into that level of ad spend? Because if for every customer, you're gonna get a hundred dollars, well then you shouldn't be spending more than that.